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Animal Welfare Week

World Animal Welfare Week: A Time to Support Animal Welfare

WEB Animal Welfare Week: Advocating for Animal Care

WEB Animal Welfare Week, an observance that raises awareness for animal welfare, takes place annually from October 3 to 9. This year, the week aims to highlight the importance of supporting animal welfare and promoting humane treatment of animals.

World Animal Day: A Global Movement for Animal Rights

World Animal Day is celebrated on October 4 to unite the animal welfare movement globally. It is an annual observance that seeks to make the world a better place for all animals.

WEB Animal Welfare Week and World Animal Day serve as significant occasions to advocate for the protection and well-being of animals. They emphasize the responsibility of humans to ensure the humane treatment of animals and to promote their rights and welfare.

Throughout history, human activities have often compromised animal welfare. However, initiatives such as WEB Animal Welfare Week and World Animal Day are essential in raising awareness, fostering compassion, and encouraging action to safeguard the well-being of animals.
